All Saviour's Cathedral

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Alternative Titles
Vank Church
Surb Amenaperkitch
Vank Cathedral
The All Saviour's Cathedral, locally known as the Vank Cathedral or the Church of the Saintly Sisters, is the most famous example of Isfahan's Christian religious architecture. An exemplary specimen of Armenian architectural achievement, the cathedral represents different stages of political, economic and social status of this minority community in Iran since the mid-seventeenth century. The Vank Cathedral was one of the first churches to be established in the city's Julfa quarter by Armenian immigrants settled by Shah Abbas I after the Ottoman War of 1603-05. The varying fortunes and independence of this suburb across the Zayandeh River and its eclectic mix of European missionaries, mercenaries and travelers can be traced almost chronologically in the cathedral's combination of building styles and contrasts in it's external and internal architectural treatment.
Source: [Accessed August 7, 2012] exterior, view of courtyard, with clock tower, belfry, and cathedral, 1999
Type of Work
Cathedrals, Armenians, Iran --History --Safavid dynasty, 1501-1736, Architecture --Islamic influences, Architecture --Iran, Church buildings, Domes, Courtyards, Clock towers, Belfries
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