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dc.contributor.authorForrester, Jay W.en_US
dc.descriptionSections: 0.0 introduction; 1.0 memory element; 2.0 arithmetic element; 3.0 program element; 4.0 instruction control element; 5.0 selection and input output control element; 6.0 test memory; 7.0 magnetic tape units, adapter and power; 8.0 instruction code; and 9.0 card machines.en_US
dc.description.abstractMemorandum listing the IBM specification documents and Lincoln Laboratory M-notes which describe sections 0-9 of the AN/FSQ-7 Central Computer System. This series of documents was prepared to give the status of specifications for the AN/FSQ-7. These documents, list the AN/FSQ-7 specifications as recommended by Lincoln Laboratory as a basis for definitizing the first production contract. In addition to the specifications, these documents call attention to anticipated changes which were required and indicate the urgency of changes.en_US
dc.publisherLincoln Laboratory - Division 6en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesDivision 6 Memo M-3291en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesProject Whirlwind Collection, MC665en_US
dc.subject.otherparity circuitsen_US
dc.subject.othertest memory plugboarden_US
dc.subject.otherduplex maintenance consoleen_US
dc.subject.othercontrol clearen_US
dc.subject.otherarithmetic compareen_US
dc.subject.othercyclic program controlen_US
dc.subject.othermagnetic tapeen_US
dc.titleSpecifications for the central computer system for the AN/FSQ-7en_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US

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