Lady Hydari Club
Jung, Zain Yar

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Located in Bashir Bagh area, it is named after Lady Amina Hydari,(d. 1940) wife of Sir Akbar Hydari, President of the Nizam’s Executive Council, 1938-42. The Hyderabad Ladies’ Association Club was formed in 1901 to enable Hyderabadi and British elite women—ladies—to socialize. The entrance to the Club built in 1929 was through a semi-circular wall with a door enabling pardah-nashin, veiled women to exit their cars and enter inside without seen by men. A huge arched entrance led to the foyer, flanked by halls and room. Zain Yar Jang (d. 1961) designed the Club building. interior, function hall, under renovation, 2008
Type of Work
Women, Clubhouses, Clubs (associations), Adaptive reuse, Islamic cities and towns, Architecture, Islamic --India, Elite (Social sciences), India --Social life and customs, Hyderabad (India)
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