Julia Chatterjee, "Quarantine Zine"
Chatterjee, Julia

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For more information about this item, visit https://archivesspace.mit.edu/repositories/2/archival_objects/349841 "Quarantine Zine" was created by MIT student Julia Chatterjee during the period of March 14 to 27, 2020. This zine documents items made by Chatterjee during two weeks of quarantine after returning to Hinsdale IL, from the MIT campus. Included in the zine are pictures of collages, objects, and outfits as well as digital media. Several MIT students are featured in the zine in addition to Julia Chatterjee: Anish Chatterjee, Hamilton Forsythe, Olivia Yao, Samantha Cheung, Trudy Painter, Anika Cheerla, Shreya Gupta, and Alexandra Nwigwe.
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-