Saint Nicholas Cole Abbey
Wren, Christopher

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Alternative Title
St. Nicholas Cole Abbey
General view of the interior, looking west towards the entry; The church is named after the 4th century St Nicholas of Myra. “Cole Abbey” is derived from “coldharbour” a medieval word for a traveller’s shelter or shelter from the cold. The earliest reference to the church is in a letter of Pope Lucius II in 1144-1145. The church was destroyed in the Great Fire of London in 1666 and rebuilt by the office of Sir Christopher Wren. It was the first church of the fifty-one lost in the Great Fire to be rebuilt. The church suffered substantial bomb damage from German bombs during the London Blitz in the Second World War and was reconstructed by Arthur Bailey in 1961-1962. Source: Wikipedia; (accessed 6/13/2009)
Type of Work
architectural exteriors, Great Fire, London, England, 1666, Restoration and conservation, World War, 1939-1945, Seventeenth century, Neoclassical
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Licensed for educational and research use by the MIT community only