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dc.coverage.spatialSite: Beijing, Beijing Shi (municipality), Chinaen_US
dc.coverage.temporal2003-2008 (creation)en_US
dc.creatorHerzog & de Meuronen_US
dc.creatorAi, Weiweien_US
dc.identifier.otherarchrefid: 2176en_US
dc.descriptionStadium, covering over seating, detail; Beijing National Stadium was a joint venture among architects Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron of Herzog & de Meuron, project architect Stefan Marbach, artist Ai Weiwei, and CADG (China Architecture Design & Research Group) which was lead by chief architect Li Xinggang. The original form of the nest with seemingly random steel beams was to hide a retractable roof; this was later removed from the plan. The stadium consists of two independent structures, standing 50 feet apart: a red concrete seating 'bowl' and the outer steel frame around it. The eastern and western stands of Beijing National Stadium are higher than northern and southern stands, in order to improve sightlines. A 24-hour per day rainwater collector is located near the stadium; after water is purified, it is used throughout and around the stadium. Pipes placed under the playing surface gather heat in the winter to warm the stadium and coldness in the summer to cool the stadium. It was the Lubetkin Prize winner, 2009. Source: Wikipedia; (accessed 7/16/2010)en_US
dc.format.mediumsteel beams; concrete; modular turf systemen_US
dc.rights© Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.en_US
dc.subjectcontemporary (1960 to present)en_US
dc.subjectengineering and industrial designen_US
dc.subjectrecreation and gamesen_US
dc.subjectArchitecture and energy conservationen_US
dc.subjectgreen architectureen_US
dc.subjectTwenty-first centuryen_US
dc.titleBeijing National Stadiumen_US
dc.title.alternativeBird's Nesten_US
dc.rights.accessLicensed for educational and research use by the MIT community onlyen_US
dc.contributor.displayAi, Weiwei (Chinese environmental artist, born 1957); Herzog & de Meuron (Swiss architectural firm, founded 1978)en_US

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