Saint Martin-in-the-Fields
Gibbs, James
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Alternative Title
St. Martin-in-the-Fields
View of chancel looking east, showing choir stalls of 1799; Gibbs held a post as surveyor to the Fifty New Churches Commission in London. St. Martin-in-the-Fields is an Anglican church at the northeast corner of Trafalgar Square. The church is essentially rectangular, with a great Neoclassical pediment supported by a row of huge Corinthian columns. The high steeple is topped with a gilt crown. Gibbs was certainly inspired by Sir Christopher Wren as the interior is very similar to St. James's in Piccadilly. The church has a close relationship with the Royal Family, whose parish church it is, as well as with 10 Downing Street and the Admiralty. Source: Wikipedia; (accessed 7/18/2010)
architecture, cityscape, Eighteenth century, Neoclassical, Palladian
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