Design for Aisle Window, Church of the Holy Spirit
Connick, Charles J.

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Alternative Titles
Typical Aisle Window
Typical Aisle. Design for aisle window, Church of the Holy Spirit, Lake Forest, IL. INSCRIPTIONS: [Has various inscriptions including names of saints, lines of text, nonspecific information.] [left panel center:] Our Father Which Art in Heaven / [right panel center:] [Upthen?] Most Valant Knight of Christ / [bottom line:] In Loving Memory of / Name to be Placed. full view
Type of Work
Study (visual work)Subject
Animals, Halos, Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint, 1090 or 91-1153, Dominic, Saint, 1170-1221, Saints, Borders (Ornament areas), Aisles, Birds in art, Religious art, Stained glass (visual works)
Rights Statement
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial License: CC BY-NC2
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