Painted Study of Evolution of a Simple Pattern
Connick, Charles J.

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Alternative Titles
Painted Artwork for Plate V in Charles J. Connick's Adventures in Light and Color
Plate V from Adventures in Light and Color by Charles J. Connick. PRINTED LABEL FOR PLATE V IN BOOK [located after page 34 in book]: The Evolution of a Simple Pattern to Suggest the Actual Functioning of the Twelfth Century Shop Tradition. ARTIST'S LABEL ON WORK [and on actual plate in book]: Developements [sic] in light, color and painted patterns of a simple leaded design in reds, whites and blues. full view
Type of Work
Study (visual work); PaintingSubject
Geometric patterns, Abstract Patterns, Illustrations, Stained glass (visual works), Processes
Rights Statement
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial License: CC BY-NC2
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