Design for Stained Glass Window Inspired by Robert Frost Poem "Mending Wall"
Connick, Charles J.

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Alternative Titles
Design for Mending Wall Window
Caroon for a window made by Charles J. Connick in 1939 for the Newtonville Library (Newtonville, MA) based on Robert Frost's poem, "Mending Wall." Robert Frost read this same poem in the Newtonville Library when the library first opened, December, 1939 when the poet was 38 years old. Newtonville Branch Library suffered a fire in the 1980's. The building was renovated and eventually became the Newton Senior Center on October 24, 1993. The window is still in the same location as of 2012. // INSCRIPTION: Something there is that doesn't love a wall / that wants it down. // JOB FILE: 2112. full view
Type of Work
Study (visual work)Subject
Flowers, Trees, Men, Poetry, Masons, Frost, Robert, 1874-1963, Illustrations, Stained glass (visual works)
Rights Statement
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial License: CC BY-NC2
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