XD-1 system operation and results of system tests from 3 December 1955 through 10 March 1956
Watt, C. W.
DownloadMC665_r16_M-4270.pdf (1.530Mb)
The reliability of the XD-1 system has in general improved since the last report was issued (Memo 6M-4100 covering November, 1955). Overall reliability - up from 89% in December to 95% in
February. Mean-good time between failures: No appreciable change. Lowest - 3.0 hours/biweekly period.
Highest - 4.9 hours/biweekly period. Assigned time: Increased almost to the 168 hour per week limit during January, February and March.
The tape drives are giving excessive trouble; these are
being studied actively by both MIT and IBM to try to determine
the cause. During January the Output System and the Auxiliary Drum System were successfully acceptance tested.
Includes: general; output system tests; auxiliary drum system tests; system operating during December, January, and February; and figures.