Visit to Sperry Gyroscope Co. (C. R. Wieser, W. K. Linvill)
Linvill, W. K.

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Sperry has built a 5000-megacycle, continuous-wave combined omni-range and distance measuring facility. Tests at Sperry indicate a range of 30 miles, azimuth accuracy ± 0.5 degree, distance accuracy ± 0.1 mile. Multipath propagation has been minimized by selection of carrier frequency and careful antenna design. Bandwidth requirements have been held to a minimum. This equipment has been designed to be incorporated in an aircraft automatic guidance system. Studies of the guidance system which have been made with attention to the dynamic behavior of the aircraft, indicate that the most serious limitations are imposed by imperfection in the navigation equipment. The guidance system includes an airborne automatic path follower, which is now being developed.