Now showing items 1-17 of 17

    • Group leaders' meeting - 1 July 1957 

      Farr, C. W. (Lincoln Laboratory - Division 6, 1957-07-12)
      Minutes of weekly group leader meeting discussing ECCM Symposium, salary review, overtime, and security.
    • Group leaders' meeting - 1 October 1956 

      Farr, C. W. (Lincoln Laboratory - Division 6, 1956-10-01)
      Minutes of weekly group leader meeting discussing computer reliability, shakedown tests and program assembly, checkout, space, Division 6 Activities Committee, Kingston computer operation, compensation of non-staff ...
    • Group leaders' meeting - 15 October 1956 

      Farr, C. W. (Lincoln Laboratory - Division 6, 1956-10-15)
      Minutes of weekly group leader meeting discussing space, salary review, open house, Activities Committee, Reliability Symposium, automatic programming meeting, Philco meeting, ESS shakedown, Life Magazine, and assembly checkout.
    • Group leaders' meeting - 16 December 1957 

      Farr, C. W. (Lincoln Laboratory - Division 6, 1957-12-19)
      Minutes of weekly group leader meeting discussing revised program, salary review, air traffic control, visitors, BOMARC B, and XD-1 Computer Time.
    • Group leaders' meeting - 19 November 1956 

      Farr, C. W. (Lincoln Laboratory - Division 6, 1956-12-07)
      Minutes of weekly group leader meeting discussing space, salary review, Lincoln Family Day, budget, SAGE tasks, McGuire visits, promotion, and security.
    • Group leaders' meeting - 2 December 1957 

      Farr, C. W. (Lincoln Laboratory - Division 6, 1957-12-04)
      Minutes of weekly group leader meeting discussing salary review, visitors to Building F, visits to Washington, and Twlstor.
    • Group leaders' meeting - 22 April 1957 

      Farr, C. W. (Lincoln Laboratory - Division 6, 1957-04-24)
      Minutes of weekly group leader meeting discussing staff turnover, July salary review, personnel, USAF briefing, weapons integration, and Barta building.
    • Group leaders' meeting - 22 October 1956 

      Farr, C. W. (Lincoln Laboratory - Division 6, 1956-10-22)
      Minutes of weekly group leader meeting discussing space, salary review, clean-up, Eastern JCC, budget, McGuire visits, open house, and weapons integration.
    • Group leaders' meeting - 26 November 1956 

      Farr, C. W. (Lincoln Laboratory - Division 6, 1956-12-07)
      Minutes of weekly group leader meeting discussing space, salary review, Lincoln Family Day, P.C.O., and systems office.
    • Group leaders' meeting - 27 May 1957 

      Farr, C. W. (Lincoln Laboratory - Division 6, 1957-05-28)
      Minutes of weekly group leader meeting discussing IBM ECPX's, organization change — Group 66, Group 63 unclassified QPR's, Group 68 - D. C. O., salary review, declassification procedures, papers for EJCC, and Lincoln-RAND ...
    • Group leaders' meeting - 29 October 1956 

      Farr, C. W. (Lincoln Laboratory - Division 6, 1956-10-29)
      Minutes of weekly group leader meeting discussing space, salary review, McGuire visits, security, Lincoln Family Day, field activity, budget, and print wired memory planes.
    • Group leaders' meeting - 30 December 1957 

      Farr, C. W. (Lincoln Laboratory - Division 6, 1958-01-07)
      Minutes of weekly group leader meeting discussing Building F, overtime, Russian language course, McGuire program status, ATC tapes, and salary review.
    • Group leaders' meeting - 5 November 1956 

      Farr, C. W. (Lincoln Laboratory - Division 6, 1956-12-07)
      Minutes of weekly group leader meeting discussing space, salary review, SAGE tasks, and CCS-ESS.
    • Group leaders' meeting - 8 April 1957 

      Farr, C. W. (Lincoln Laboratory - Division 6, 1957-04-11)
      Minutes of weekly group leader meeting discussing announcement of formation of Group 68, group leader meeting procedure, space, staff transfers, communication study, machine improvement, SIF, June salary review, Gunter ...
    • Group leaders' meeting - 8 October 1956 

      Farr, C. W. (Lincoln Laboratory - Division 6, 1956-10-08)
      Minutes of weekly group leader meeting discussing space, salary review, open house, weapons integration, security, and clean-up.
    • Group leaders' meeting - 9 December 1957 

      Farr, C. W. (Lincoln Laboratory - Division 6, 1957-12-19)
      Minutes of weekly group leader meeting discussing IBM, ESS, night time tests, JSAC, and salary review.
    • Group leaders' meeting, January 5, 1953 

      Brown, David R. (MIT Digital Computer Laboratory, 1953-01-06)
      Minutes of weekly group leader meeting discussing letterhead for Whittemore Building, couriers for classified material, salary review, laboratory for electronics, January 7 visit, and joint IBM-MIT tube trip