Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Bi-weekly Report, May 26, 1950 

      Air Traffic Control Project Staff (MIT Servomechanisms Laboratory - ATCP, 1950-05-26)
      Bi-weekly progress report of the Air Traffic Control Project team.
    • Group leaders' meeting - February 6, 1956 

      Farr, C. W. (Lincoln Laboratory - Division 6, 1956-02-07)
      Minutes of weekly group leader meeting discussing ESS Planning Committee, group quotas, SIC recommendation - future FGD and CFAR needs, XD-1 commemoration, quarterly meeting on Philco subcontract, and arrival of command post desk.
    • SAGE system meeting, February 7, 1955 

      Bragar, P. (Lincoln Laboratory - Division 6, 1955-02-07)
      Minutes of weekly SAGE System meeting discussing XD-1 etched cards, changes in D. C. building, status of J. A. O'Brien's space requirement document, status of specifications for display cables, IBM school in Building F, ...