Now showing items 596-615 of 1719

    • Electronic Computer Division Personnel 

      Project Whirlwind Administrative Staff (MIT Servomechanisms Laboratory, 1951-01-01)
      Memorandum listing Electronic Computer Division Personnel of the MIT Servomechanisms Laboratory.
    • Electronic Staff 

      Forrester, Jay W. (MIT Servomechanisms Laboratory, 1946-03-05)
      Administrative memorandum from project Whirlwind research teams on temporary staff assignments.
    • Energy Dissipation in Square Loop Ferromagnetic Materials with Specific Application to Switch Cores 

      Menyuk, Norman (MIT Digital Computer Laboratory, 1953-05-12)
      A determination is made of the energy dissipation in a square loop ferromagnetic material due to domain wall motion. These energy losses are separated into three terms, representing the relaxation loss. The order of magnitude ...
    • Engineering Relationships with IBM 

      Kromer, Arthur P. (MIT Digital Computer Laboratory, 1952-09-30)
      Memorandum summarizing engineering relationships with the International Business Machines Corporation for work on WWII.
    • EPSCOM Biweekly Report for 1 June 1956 

      Mayer, Rollin P. (Lincoln Laboratory - Division 6, 1956-06-07)
      A summary of EPSCOM program activity is included along with reports on several programs. One new programmer, Marilyn Lynch (BTL), has joined EPSCOM bringing the EPSCOM force to 40 people.
    • EPSCOM Biweekly Report for 15 June 1956 

      Mayer, Rollin P. (Lincoln Laboratory - Division 6, 1956-06-20)
      The EPSCOM force still stands at 40 people. A summary chart and schedule is included along with reports from programmers..
    • EPSCOM Biweekly Report for 18 May 1956 

      Mayer, Rollin P. (Lincoln Laboratory - Division 6, 1956-06-05)
      EPSCOM now includes 39 people. A report on most of the EPSCOM programs is given.
    • EPSCOM Biweekly Report for 20 April 1956 

      Mayer, Rollin P. (Lincoln Laboratory - Division 6, 1956-04-27)
      EPSCOM, now Group 66, with 37 people including a new secretary at Murphy Hospital, is being reorganized into 3 subsections.
    • EPSCOM Biweekly Report for 4 May 1956 

      Mayer, Rollin P. (Lincoln Laboratory - Division 6, 1956-05-10)
      EPSCOM now includes 38 people. A chart showing most of the EPSCOM programs includes scheduling information.
    • EPSCOM Biweekly Report for 6 April 1956 

      Mayer, Rollin P. (Lincoln Laboratory - Division 6, 1956-04-09)
      EPSCOM manpower now stands at 35 people. Progress on all programs is satisfactory.
    • Equation of Motion for a Cylindrical 180° Domain Wall 

      Baltzer, K. P. (Lincoln Laboratory - Division 6, 1953-07-30)
      The equation of motion for a cylindrical domain wall has been derived utilizing the Lagrangian formulation. Additional terms enter the equation of motion for a cylindrical wall that do not appear in that for a planar wall.
    • Error Correction in Orbital Flight 

      Orden, Alexander (MIT Servomechanisms Laboratory, 1950-06-13)
      As part of an investigation of possible future forms of air traffic control, an analysis is made of orbital motion around an Omni-Range DME station. It is assumed that each aircraft would be assigned an azimuth-vs-time ...
    • Establishing New Procedures for Various Phases of AN/FSQ-7 Program 

      von Buelow, Robert (Lincoln Laboratory - Division 6, 1954-03-23)
      Memorandum on a new policy for the establishment of procedures for the adoption of new procedures for the AN/FSQ-7 Program.
    • Estimated Cost of Standard Storage Tubes - (January 1950) 

      Boyd, Hugh R. (MIT Servomechanisms Laboratory - ECD, 1950-02-15)
      The cost of 100-series storage tubes storing 256 points each is calculated. This cost in January is approximately $1,500 per tube at the present construction rate of one and one-half satisfactory tubes per week.
    • Evaluation of Ferroxcube Cores 

      Fergus, P. A. (Lincoln Laboratory - Division 6, 1954-06-28)
      A 1000-core lot, Ferroxcube 170T025A402, was evaluated to determine its usefulness as memory core. The squareness and signal ratios of this lot were excellent. Its uniformity was good. The switching time of this lot, ...
    • Evaluation tests on the XD-1 central computer 

      Canty, W. J.; Crane, J. D.; Thompson, S. L. (Lincoln Laboratory - Division 6, 1955-01-21)
      Memorandum discussing the evaluation of XD-1 by a series of tests made over a period of a few weeks ending March 1, 1955. Existing XD-1 reliability programs were used during most phases of test. Machine operation was baaed ...
    • Experience with Receiving-Type Vacuum Tubes on the Whirlwind Computer Project 

      Rich, Edwin S. (MIT Servomechanisms Laboratory, 1950-12-12)
      In high-speed digital computers, particularly those to be used for control of physical systems, vacuum-tube reliability is an important consideration. In such computers, one would like to measure the average time between ...
    • Experiments on a three-core cell for high-speed memories 

      Raffel, J.; Bradspies, S. (Lincoln Laboratory - Division 6, 2009-06-15)
      The coincident-current magnetic-core memory was suggested in 1949 by Jay W. Forrester as a reliable, random-access storage medium. Development of the first working memory of this type, for the Memory Test Computer at M.I.T., ...
    • Extension of subcontract no. 49 

      Brown, David R. (Lincoln Laboratory - Division 6, 1955-07-06)
      A one-year extension of Subcontract No. 49 with the Philco Corporation was recommmended to (1) continue research aimed at establishing the reliability of the surface-barrier transistor and improving its performance in ...
    • Extraordinary expenditure budget for fiscal 1953 

      Fahnestock, Harris. (MIT Digital Computer Laboratory, 1952-09-15)
      Memo regarding group leaders' extraordinary expenditure budget that reviews 1952 budget figures and requests Air Force work projections for revised 1953 budget.