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dc.coverage.spatialDiscovery location: Giza (Egypt)en_US
dc.coverage.temporalcreation date: 2490-2472 BCEen_US
dc.creatorunknown (Egyptian (ancient))en_US
dc.date2490-2472 BCEen_US
dc.descriptionGreywacke pair statue of Menkaure and Queen Findspot: Menkaure Valley Temple Dynasty 4, reign of Menkaure, about 2490–2472 B.C. Greywacke Dimensions/Weight: Height x width x depth: 142.2 x 57.1 x 55.2 cm (56 x 22 1/2 x 21 3/4 in.) Classification: Sculpture Description: Greywacke standing pair statue (dyad) of Menkaure and queen, possibly Khamerernebty II; roughly 3/4 lifesize, unfinished, king's head fully finished, head of queen nearly finished, and rest of figures ready for polishing (no inscriptions, unpolished base), faint fraces of red paint on sides of king's head and portions of painted necklace on breast of queen; perfect except for end of king's beard (now found and in place). [published no. 17 = 10-1-16] Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition: 11.1738 Published References: Arnold, Dorothea. When the Pyramids were Built. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1999, pp. 66, 69, figs. 57, 58. Assmann, Jan. "Preservation and Presentation of Self in Ancient Egyptian Portraiture." In Peter Der Manuelian, ed., Studies in Honor of William Kelly Simpson 1. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1996, p. 64, fig. 13. Bothmer, Bernard V. "Notes on the Mycerinus Triad." Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 48, No. 271 (February 1950), p.12, fig. 2. Dunham, Dows. "Portraiture in Ancient Egypt." Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 41, No. 246 (December 1943), p. 71, fig. 8. Dunham, Dows. The Egyptian Department and its Excavations. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1958, pp. 36-38, fig. 21. Freed, Rita E., Lawrence M. Berman, and Denise M. Doxey. Arts of Ancient Egypt. MFA Highlights. Boston: MFA Publications, 2003, pp. 86-87 (mislabeled 11.17385). Markowitz, Yvonne J., Joyce L. Haynes, and Rita E. Freed. Egypt in the Age of the Pyramids: Highlights from the Harvard University–Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Expedition. Boston: MFA Publications, 2002, p. 25, fig. 8. Reisner, George A. Mycerinus: The Temples of the Third Pyramid at Giza. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1931, pp. 37, 110. Remarks: Registration number obtained from publication; no registration records available for 1910.en_US
dc.descriptionfull viewen_US
dc.format.extent142.2 x 57.1 x 55.2 cm (55.98 x 22.48 x 21.73 inches)en_US
dc.rights(c)Museum of Fine Arts, Bostonen_US
dc.subjectEgypt --Antiquitiesen_US
dc.subjectMenkaure, King of Egypt, 26th cent. B.C.en_US
dc.subjectKhamerernebty II, Queen, consort of Menkaure, King of Egypten_US
dc.subjectSculpture, Egyptianen_US
dc.titleKing Menkaure and queenen_US
dc.title.alternativeKing Mycerinus and Queen Kah-Merer-Nebtyen_US
dc.title.alternativeGreywacke pair statue of Menkaure and Queen, possibly Khamerernebty IIen_US
dc.title.alternativeKing Mycerinus and queenen_US
dc.rights.accessLicensed for educational and research use by the MIT community onlyen_US
dc.publisher.institutionRepository: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (Boston, Massachusetts, United States)en_US
vra.culturalContextEgyptian (ancient)en_US
dc.contributor.displayunknown (Egyptian (ancient))en_US

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