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dc.creatorGreuze, Jean-Baptisteen_US
dc.descriptionLike Jacques Onésime de Bergeret, Lalive de Jully (1725-79) was an influential collector, amateur, and painter in the Parisian art world of the 1750s and 1760s. One of Jean-Baptiste Greuze's first patrons, Lalive is depicted seated on a chair he had commissioned as part of a suite of furniture à la grecque. This furniture subtly reveals Lalive's avant-garde taste in rejecting the curvilinear forms of the rococo in favor of rectilinear shapes and archaeological decor before the full flowering of the neoclassical style. Greuze placed Lalive in the center of the canvas; his torso twists toward the harp, as his head, shown in three-quarter pose, turns to the viewer. He is casually attired in a white silk dressing gown, a scarf around his neck, and his britches unbuttoned at the knees. The captivating expression, a faint smile and slightly raised eyebrows, further enhances the contrived informality of the portrait. The emphasis on the face and hands counterbalances the rigid series of parallel vertical lines that define the space. The prominent display of the harp, accompanied by the furniture with the portfolio of drawings and statue of the Erythrean Sibyl in the background, suggests that Greuze has depicted Lalive as a new Apollo, alluding to his patronage of the arts. (National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., website; 10/20/2003)en_US
dc.descriptiondetail, hands and harpen_US
dc.format.extent117 x 88.5 cm (46.06 x 34.84 inches)en_US
dc.format.mediumoil painten_US
dc.subjectArt patronsen_US
dc.subjectHarps (Chordophones)en_US
dc.subjectStringed instrumentsen_US
dc.subjectMen -- Portraitsen_US
dc.subjectPainting, French --18th centuryen_US
dc.titleLa Live de Jully Playing a Harpen_US
dc.title.alternativeAnge-Laurent de Lalive de Jullyen_US
dc.rights.accessAll rights reserveden_US
dc.publisher.institutionRepository: National Gallery of Art (Washington, District of Columbia, United States) ID: 1946.7.8en_US
vra.techniquepainting (image-making)en_US
vra.worktypeOil paintingen_US
dc.contributor.displaypainter: Jean-Baptiste Greuze (French, 1725-1805)en_US

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