Le Hanneton, 3 Avril 1864
Guillois, Marquis de le

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Issue of the satirical French newspaper "Le Hanneton" featuring an adventure story involving Eugéne Godard, his balloon 'L'Aigle,' and the publisher of "Le Hanneton," the Marquis de le Guillois. An accompanying cartoon on the third page shows the staff of "Le Hanneton" in a balloon. The Marquis de le Guillois drops an envelope sealed with a cockchafer beetle ["hanneton" in Fench] over the side of the balloon basket. A caption reads, "Depart du Marquis de Le Guillois." For more information about this item, visit https://archivesspace.mit.edu/repositories/2/digital_objects/751
Caricatures and cartoons -- France, Balloons (aircraft), Balloon ascensions, Satire, Periodicals, Godard, Eugéne, 1827-1890, Guillois, Marquis de le, Le Hanneton