The Earliest and Most Complete Collection, page from auction catalog

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Pages from an auction catalog describing a three-volume folio compiled by Charles Green, containing broadsides, engravings, letters, and other printed material related to the history of aeronautics. One prints is reproduced. Four other items relating to aeronautics are described, including a first edition of "A Narrative of the Two Aerial Voyages of Doctor Jeffries with Mons. Blanchard...", Thomas Baldwin's "Airopedia" and Tiberius Cavallo's "The History and Practice of Aerostation." For more information about this item, visit
Balloonists, Auction catalogs, collections (object groupings), Balloons -- History, Aeronautics, Hodgson, J. E. (John Edmund), 1875-1952, Jeffries, John, 1745-1819, Blanchard, Jean-Pierre, 1753-1809, Green, Charles, 1785-1870, Baldwin, Thomas, Cavallo, Tiberius, 1749-1809