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dc.contributor.authorBush, Vannevar, 1890-1974
dc.contributor.authorHodgins, Eric, 1899-1971
dc.descriptionFor more information about this item, visit
dc.rightsThis item may be under copyright. Please consult the collection finding aid or catalog record and the MIT Libraries Permissions Policy for more information.en_US
dc.titleTranscript pages 553 through 613A (reel #9): MacDowell - AMRAD-Raytheon-Spencer, Bush as Consultant - Anti-submarine Devices - Inventors, Promoters and Managers - Bush's Doctoral Thesis - Digital and Analogue Machines (People Too Wedded to Digital Machines) - Ike at Columbia - Assigning Patents - Bush's Profile-drawing Machine - Suppressing Patents - WW II Patent Problems with G.E. - Selling Spencer Thermostat to Westinghouse - Russell Burnell - Perry Spencer.en_US

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