Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano
Raphael; Buonarroti, Michelangelo; Bernini, Gian Lorenzo; Bramante, Donato; Maderno, Carlo; Alberti, Leon Battista; Sangallo, Antonio da, the younger; Porta, Giacomo della; ... Show more Show less

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Alternative Titles
San Pietro in Vaticano
Basilica vaticana
Saint Peter's Cathedral
S. Pietro in Vaticano
St. Peter's
Basilique de Saint-Pierre
Basilica Sancti Petri
Sanctus Petrus
interior, view looking up within the left side aisle, depicting one of Maderno's domes
Type of Work
Cathedral; Basilica; Religious buildingSubject
Cathedrals, Domes, Julius II, Pope, 1443-1513, Leo X, Pope, 1475-1521, Sylvester I, Pope, d. 335, Paul V, Pope, 1552-1621, Vatican Palace (Vatican City), Piazza San Pietro (Vatican City), Paul III, Pope, 1468-1549, Architecture, Renaissance, Religious architecture, Catholic Church --History, Nicholas V, Pope, 1397-1455, Architecture, Baroque, Architecture, Italian, Alexander VII, Pope, 1599-1667
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Licensed for educational and research use by the MIT community only
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