Drawing for MFA, Houston Ball (1)
Stella, Frank; Brunelleschi, Filippo; Tacca, Pietro; Michelozzo di Bartolomeo; Alberti, Leon Battista; Sangallo, Antonio da, the elder; Caccini, Giovanni Battista; Baglioni, Bartolomeo; ... Show more Show less

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Alternative Titles
Santissima Annunziata
SS. Annunziata
Piazza Santissima Annunziata
Piazza della Santissima Annunziata, Florence, Italy plan (drawing)
Type of Work
Drawing (visual work); Church; Piazza (square); Convent; Square (open space)Subject
Arcades, Arches, Plazas, Loggias, Ospedale degli Innocenti (Florence, Italy), Basilicas, Colonnades, Pilgrimage churches, Architecture, Renaissance, Religious architecture, Catholic Church, Architecture -- Italy, Churches --Italy, Classicism in architecture, Proportion, Fountains --Italy, Gonzaga, Ludovico, marchese, 1414-1478, Servites
Rights Statement
Licensed for educational and research use by the MIT community only
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