Apse Mosaic from the Church of San Michele in Africisco, Ravenna
unknown (Byzantine)
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Alternative Title
Apsismosaik aus der Kirche San Michele in Africisco zu Ravenna
Detail, apse reveal decorated with vine and doves, symbolizing the Apostles, Archangel Michael to the right; The mosaic was acquired by the museum in 1844, but was much restored when moved from Ravenna in 1843. The physician saints Cosmus and Damian are depicted on the spandrel. In the apse, a youthful Christ stands in a paradise landscape against a golden background, flanked by the archangels Michael and Gabriel. The open book in his left hand has the Latin verses, "he who sees me, sees the father " (John 14.9) and "I and the father are one" (John 10.30). A narrow frieze of vine which is populated on both sides by (originally) six fluttering doves, symbols of the twelve apostles, decorates the apse reveal. The top band has Christ in judgment flanked by the archangels and the seven angels of revelation, standing in a sea mixed with fire. The small basilica of San Michele in Africisco was financed by banker Giuliano Argentario as a votive offering to Archangel Michael,consecrated in 547. The term “Africisco” is probably connected to the antique region of Phrygia, in Asia Minor. Source: Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, SMB Digital Database [website]; http://www.smb-digital.de/ (accessed 7/12/2013)
Type of Work
mosaic (visual work)Subject
New Testament, saints, Jesus Christ, Michael (Archangel), birds, Early Christian, Byzantine
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Licensed for educational and research use by the MIT community only