Large Four Piece Reclining Figure
Moore, Henry

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Alternative Title
Large Four Piece Reclining Figure 1972-73 (LH 629)
Overall three-quarter view, looking back at Lamont Library entrance; In the early 1970s Moore produced a group of monumental sculptures relying heavily on the curve or arc as its principal motif. This work, in the company of Sheep Piece 1971-1972 (LH 627) and Hill Arches 1973 (LH 636), exemplifies the trend, its complex semi-abstract composition and highly polished bronze patina making it a "difficult" work to read. The hollows, voids and truncated elements do, however, bind together very successfully to make a sculpture filled with warmth and movement. Moore successfully reused the central lobe-like feature in Mother and Child 1978 (LH 754) without compromising its sense of mystery or significance. [Michael Phipps, catalogue entry in Six Leading Sculptors and The Human Figure, National gallery, Athens, cultural Olympiad 2004] Cast in Nowack, Germany, one of an edition of seven. Source: Henry Moore Foundation; (accessed 5/6/2013)
Type of Work
sculpture (visual work)Subject
abstraction, Twentieth century
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Licensed for educational and research use by the MIT community only