Craftsman Houses in Arroyo View Neighborhood, Pasadena
Hunt, Myron
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525 Live Oaks Avenue near corner of Orange Grove Boulevard; detail post braces and rafter tails; Craftsman period houses near a Greene & Greene enclave; the street Arroyo Terrace was once solid Greene & Greene including walks and landscaping, with Charles Greene's own house at number 368. North Grand Avenue runs along the southwest edge of what is informally called the Arroyo View neighborhood; Orange Grove Boulevard runs along the southeast boundary. The Prospect Park development (1906) is within the area at the north edge. The area is also called the Park Place-Arroyo Terrace Historic District. Source: Archivision, Inc. (accessed 8/8/2013)
Type of Work
architecture, cityscape, City planning, suburban development, tract houses, domestic architecture, Craftsman, Twentieth century, Arts and Crafts (movement)
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Licensed for educational and research use by the MIT community only