Karl Marx-Hof
Ehn, Karl

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Alternative Titles
Karl Marx Hof
Heiligenstädter Hof
Bronze Art Deco statue in garden area; Karl Marx-Hof was built between 1927 and 1930 by city planner Karl Ehn, a follower of Otto Wagner. It held 1,382 apartments (with a size of 30-60 m² each). Only 18.5% of the 1,000 metres long, 156,000 m² large area was built up, with the rest of the area developed into play areas and gardens. Designed for a population of about 5,000. The spartan space standards and equipment of the individual dwellings were offset by the generous provision of communal facilities such as crèches, kindergartens, laundry and drying rooms, and shared services such as direct heating. At over one kilometre in length (1100m, 0.68 mile) and spanning four Straßenbahn (tram) stops, Karl Marx-Hof holds the distinction of being the longest single (contiguous) residential building in the world. Source: Grove Art Online; http://www.oxfordartonline.com/ (accessed 5/12/2011)
Type of Work
housing project; mixed-use developmentSubject
architecture, Housing, high-density municipal housing, Gemeindebauten, Twentieth century, Modernist, Art Deco
Rights Statement
Licensed for educational and research use by the MIT community only