Pisa Cathedral Doors
Giambologna; Tacca, Pietro; Reichle, Hans
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Central portal, west front, bottom four panels. Bottom left: Birth of the Virgin; top right: Annunciation; Under the aegis of Giambologna a number of pupils collaborated on the three pairs of bronze doors (ca. 1600) for the western façade of Pisa Cathedral. Tacca's first known independent work is the Adoration of the Magi relief (1601). Source: Grove Art Online; http://www.groveart.com/ (accessed 4/26/2010)
Type of Work
bas-relief (sculpture); doorSubject
architectural exteriors, cycles or series, New Testament, Jesus Christ, Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint, life of Christ, life of the Virgin, Assumption, Nativity, Annunciation, presentation in the Temple, Passion, Calvary, Mannerist (Renaissance-Baroque style)
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