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dc.coverage.spatialSite: Il Gesù (Rome, Lazio, Italy)en_US
dc.coverage.temporal1672-1683 (creation)en_US
dc.creatorGaulli, Giovanni Battistaen_US
dc.identifier.otherarchrefid: 657en_US
dc.descriptionView of the dome and pendentives, looking up; On 21 August 1672 Gian Paolo Oliva, the Father-General of the Jesuit Order, signed a contract with Gaulli commissioning him to fresco the dome, the pendentives and the nave and transept vaults of the church of Il Gesù, Rome. This enormously important commission was won in competition with Giacinto Brandi, Ciro Ferri and Carlo Maratti, and with the support of Bernini, to whom Oliva turned for advice. The nine large frescoes (1672-1683) constitute the greatest achievement of the artist's career and his chief claim to fame. The cloud-borne Vision of Heaven (1672-1675) in the huge dome is badly damaged, but the frescoes on the pendentives (1675-1676) have survived in almost perfect condition. Two of these four, the Four Evangelists and the Four Doctors of the Latin Church, represent the New Law; the other two, the Leaders of Israel and the Prophets of Israel, the Old. Just as the pendentives form the physical transition that carries the weight and thrust of the dome to the ground below, so the paintings on the pendentives form the metaphysical transition between the vision of heaven in the dome and the congregation on the floor of the church. The style so successfully developed for the pendentives was transferred to the vault of the great nave and reinterpreted, with still more dramatic compositional devices and on a very much larger scale, in the fresco representing the Triumph of the Name of Jesus (1678-1679). Source: Grove Art Online; (accessed 12/9/2007)en_US
dc.rights© Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.en_US
dc.subjectcycles or seriesen_US
dc.subjectNew Testamenten_US
dc.subjectOld Testament and Apocryphaen_US
dc.subjectJesus Christen_US
dc.titleIl Gesù Ceiling and Dome Frescoesen_US
dc.rights.accessLicensed for educational and research use by the MIT community onlyen_US
vra.techniquefresco painting (technique)en_US
vra.worktypefresco (painting)en_US
dc.contributor.displayGiovanni Battista Gaulli (Italian painter, 1639-1709)en_US

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