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dc.coverage.spatialSite: Agilqiyya [Philae Reconstruction] (Aswan, Upper Egypt, Egypt)en_US
dc.coverage.spatialFormer Site: Philae, Aswan, Upper Egypt, Egypt, Africa,en_US
dc.coverage.temporal360-343 BCE (creation)en_US
dc.creatorunknown (Egyptian (ancient))en_US
dc.identifier.otherarchrefid: 972en_US
dc.descriptionThe west face, detail on inter-columnar wall depicting a concave cornice made of urseus (serpents); The kiosk or vestibule of Nectanebo is a hall with screen walls linked by graceful columns. Of its original fourteen Hathor pillars, only six remain. The screens between the columns are some six feet high, crowned with concave cornices and rows of uraeus-serpents. The screens are carved with reliefs showing Nectanebo sacrificing to the gods. "The oldest constructions are the middle gate of the 1st pylon and the small hall, both built by Nectanebo II (reigned 360-343 BCE). This hall was part of an earlier temple, which at first stood to the north of the 1st pylon but which was later shifted (in the early Ptolemaic period) to the southern end of the island of Philae, in order to make way for the new Temple of Isis." Source: Grove Art Online; (accessed 1/19/2008)en_US
dc.format.mediumstone; limestone; painted reliefen_US
dc.rights© Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.en_US
dc.subjectarchitectural exteriorsen_US
dc.titlePavilion of Nectanebo IIen_US
dc.title.alternativeHall of Nectanebo IIen_US
dc.rights.accessLicensed for educational and research use by the MIT community onlyen_US
vra.culturalContextEgyptian (ancient)en_US
vra.techniqueconstruction (assembling) carving (processes)en_US
vra.worktypeexcavation (site)en_US
vra.worktypeentrance hallen_US
dc.contributor.displayunknown (Egyptian (ancient))en_US

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