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dc.coverage.temporalcoverage: 1921 - 1922; published: 1922en_US
dc.creatorMassachusetts Institute of Technology.en_US
dc.descriptionTwo volumes: The Courses of Study and Subjects of Instruction (April, 1922) and General Information Requirements for Admission (1922). The Courses of Study and Subjects of Instruction, including special courses arranged for officers of the United States Army and for officers of the United States Navy gives the curriculum in detail, with descriptions of the subjects of study given by the various departments of the Institute. The publication includes: Schedules of the Professional Courses; Descriptions of the subjects of instruction; Tabulation of the subjects with hours of exercise, year and term, instructor in charge, and required preparation; laboratory fees; an alphabetical list of subjects and required preparation for subjects of instruction . General Information should be consulted in connection with Courses of Study for a general description of the Professional Courses, with a statement of their purposes. Digitized from microfiche copies. Digital version may contain microfiche headers and targets.en_US
dc.rightsCopyright Not Evaluated., please see the collection overview for additional information.en_US
dc.titleCourse Catalogue of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1922en_US
dc.publisher.institutionMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Institute Archives and Special Collectionsen_US

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