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dc.coverage.spatialSite: Rome, Lazio, Italyen_US
dc.coverage.temporalca. 1750 (alteration); ca. 380 (creation)en_US
dc.creatorunknown (Italian)en_US
dc.identifier.otherarchrefid: 1197en_US
dc.descriptionView of the apse-vault, detail depicting the lower Lamb of God (central lamb at far right) and the twelve companions (of which only four lambs are visible here), detail; A standard type of basilica and a standard type of baptistery evolved and spread throughout northern Italy, and from North Africa to southern Spain and Gaul. The standard type of basilica was meant to hold a congregation of between 800 and 1400. It consists of a nave flanked by aisles and terminating in a semicircular, sometimes rectangular, apse; a narthex and atrium sometimes feature at the west end. This standard type of basilica is known as early as the late 4th-century church of S Ambrogio at Milan, which has three aisles and a semicircular eastern apse, a plan that became widespread in northern Italy in the 5th century. After ca. 380 examples of the type at Rome include S Clemente. The schola cantorum is a term applied to nave chancels in medieval Roman churches on the basis of a supposed association with the eponymous body of papal chanters. This association originates in the misinterpretation of a 16th-century description of S Clemente by Ugonio.The form of Early Christian nave chancels was not standardized. Those at S Giovanni in Laterano (4th century) and at S Clemente (6th century) were apparently narrow passageways constructed of low parapets held together by posts and so lightweight that they did not need foundations. Source: Grove Art Online; (accessed 2/3/2008)en_US
dc.format.mediummosaic; frescoen_US
dc.rights© Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.en_US
dc.subjectarchitectural exteriorsen_US
dc.subjectEarly Christianen_US
dc.titleSan Clementeen_US
dc.rights.accessLicensed for educational and research use by the MIT community onlyen_US
vra.techniqueconstruction (assembling)en_US
dc.contributor.displayunknown (Italian)en_US

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