W. W. Gilchrist, Sr. [informal portrait]
Gilchrist, William Wallace

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Alternative Title
Portrait of William Wallace Gilchrist I
Overall view; The artist's father William Wallace Gilchrist (Sr.); born Jan. 8, 1946, Jersey City, NJ, died Dec. 20, 1916, Easton, PA; American composer and conductor. Probably painted at Cliff Island, Maine. Source: Griffin, Robert; Affectionately, Wallace; The Life and Work of W. W. Gilchrist, Bridgton, ME: Wally Books, 2001 (0971240507) (accessed 7/11/2008)
Type of Work
painting (visual work)Subject
portraits, Gilchrist, William Wallace, 1846-1916, summer, field glasses, nature watching, cap, shore line, water, Twentieth century
Rights Statement
Licensed for educational and research use by the MIT community only