This collection contains digital images of stained glass windows and works on paper created by the Charles J. Connick Studio (1912-1945) and/or the Charles J. Connick Associates studio (1946-1987). Based in Boston and operating for most of the 20th century, the Connick studios made a significant impact on American stained glass craftsmanship. In particular, Connick and his fellow craftsmen cultivated a revival of European Gothic style and medieval technique.

The stained glass windows of the collection are either original works removed from their designated locations, duplicates of existing works, or were created expressly for the purpose of exhibition.

Works on paper include sketches, designs, and cartoons (full-sized drawings, often in charcoal) for stained glass windows crafted by the studios. Additionally, there are several paintings by Charles J. Connick, who enjoyed painting European stained glass windows and scenes from nature.

For more information on the Charles J. Connick Stained Glass Foundation Collection, please visit the collection website.

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